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What is the Bible

Oct 16, 2024    Pastor Josh Wootton

In this episode of the Know and Do podcast, we continue our journey into hermeneutics. This time, we take a step back from the mechanics of reading and applying Scripture to explore a foundational question: What is the Bible, and why should we trust it?

The Bible's Origin and Inspiration - The Bible came from God, transmitted through human authors under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The doctrine of inspiration does not remove the humanity of its authors but instead highlights God's divine purpose in guiding their words.

The Biblical Canon – We explore how the 66 books of the Bible were recognized as part of the biblical canon and the criteria used to exclude false texts, including apostolic origin and theological consistency.

The Bible's Verification – Evidence of its reliability, including its self-attesting nature, internal unity, manuscript evidence, archaeological discoveries, and outside historical sources like Josephus and Tacitus.

Why You Can Have Confidence in the Bible – From the manuscripts to the consistency of its message across 66 books written over 1,500 years, we look at why the Bible remains a trustworthy and reliable source of God's truth.
