Reflection Points:  Embracing God's Heart for the Nations

For Kids:  Listen carefully to God’s plan for the nations. Who are the nations and why does God love them so much?
For Discussion:
  • How can we know that the Great Commission is for every Christian and not just those gathered at the ascension of Jesus? 
  • What are some of the distractions that are keeping you for fully engaging in Christ’s Great Commission to the Church? What steps do you need to take to overcome them? 
  • It’s become popular over the last 40 years or so for some to insist on “lifestyle evangelism” as a means to fulfill the Great Commission without intentionally going and proclaiming the gospel. Why, according to Scripture,  does “lifestyle evangelism” fall short of the biblical standard?  
  • Think about your circles of influence (home, work, school, etc.). Where or to whom do you need to intentional go and proclaim the gospel?  
  • What do you think would happen in Woodbridge if every member of FBCW became intentional about going and proclaiming the gospel?  
  • Why is it important for us to give way to the Holy Spirit’s work as we seek to be obedient to the Great Commission?  
  • What spiritual disciplines can you put into practice to help you give way to the Holy Spirit’s work?